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Do you need a Registered Professional Land Surveyor? We can help!

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252 West Main Street,
Suite F
Azle, TX 76020

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Q. What is surveying?

A. Surveying is the art and science of mapping land. A Land Surveyor uses applied mathematics and other technical skills to define the physical characteristics of land. A surveyor can measure and plot the dimensions of land, natural and artificial structures, the lengths and directions of boundary lines, and the contour of the Earth’s surface.

Q. When should a homeowner/landowner hire a surveyor?

A. You should contact a Surveyor:

  • When buying property
  • When refinancing your home or applying for a mortgage
  • Before enlarging your house with additions or making permanent improvements to your property (fences, driveways, swimming pools, etc.)
  • When subdividing property or selling individual lots
Q. What information will the Surveyor need for a project?

A. Supply copies of any survey maps, deeds, records of title, or any other pertinent information about your property to the Surveyor at your first meeting (if possible).

Q. Should I explain why I want a survey made?

A. Yes. If the Surveyor knows why you want a survey, he/she can recommend the type of survey you need, and how much detail should be shown on the map, plat, or exhibit.

Q. How much will a survey cost?

A. The cost of a survey depends on:

  • The size and location of the property
  • The services to be provided by the Surveyor
  • Complexity of the terrain and the shape of the property